Wednesday, 29 October 2008

The Fat Lady is Warming up...

It was awesome to jump to 2nd on Monday, thank-you everyone who put me back there and to those supporting 'Mathema' to the end... I think 'Azure' must have quite a big lead, but play on .... :D

So, if this is the last picture I get to post you before the end of the competition I hope you enjoy it.
Here are some magic-skills for you - Take a look, and I've put a little theory if you want to read it below...

The magic? Well I'll tell you a little bit about it :) :
The main use is through the 'rune-burning' that's been mentioned briefly (a take on traditional ideas where runes would be written on paper and burnt - in the world of Mathema they just sear them into the air) .
Runes guide the magic (that will either come from the person or from the Mathema device) and can be one or a 'path' of several.. depending on what you want to do.

If your keeping up with the characters and thinking 'I don't know the chap on the far left' - that's Thomas Swithin; he's only really a sub-character but I added him in here because his rune-skills are kind of special... usually only one 'path' can be used at a time, but Thom can split it.

Good luck all :)

Friday, 24 October 2008

Folk Far and Wide

Awesome! Unlucky for some, we've hit 13 followers - welcome to the gang :)

So far during the competition I've obviously been contacting [bothering] a lot of people to try and get them to go and read Mathema and vote; I can't believe how some people have been putting effort out for the comic. I note a few in thanks:

Someone also contacted me to ask if they could blog about Mathema on MySpace - There's something insanely cool for me about seeing 'Emery Hall' in the middle of a foreign blog
(Catch up with Mathema at MySpace here: )

The fan base is small but passionate; I'd rather the story was like that rather than something painfully middle ground... you never know.... I think I could deal with achieving cult status hahaha XD

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Oooo! Something new??

Gravy cakes!
It's the Mathema Sketchbook - well it will be properly when I finally get it all together in Flash but.... for now you can check out the huge versions....

p.s. hold out for the environments at the end ;)

The Girls ->
The boys ->

Where they all hang out->

p.p.s. Double figures in people watching the Blog! Thanks guys!

Oh and I found this....

[Caption] - 'Emery had a hard time convincing the 'Azure' girls that Victorian swimsuits were back in fashion....'

...Hope you laughed saulone :D

Thursday, 16 October 2008

oh yeah...

haha, still hanging around third - how to change this... *ponders*

Mathema: Characters

Sunday, 12 October 2008

Mathema: Art

More images coloured up - enjoy :)

Thursday, 9 October 2008

Initial Rankings

Mathema fell in second during the first ranking.
I'm stunned; it's still so early in the competition but I'm already honoured by the feedback so far.

..I'm not gonna sleep for a month

Also... a steampunk community has been awesome enough to pass on the word about Mathema, visit them here;

New Art

Some new sketches I've been working on, hopefully I'll be able to get these coloured up over the next couple of days :) Emery in his Uncle's study and Beth (looking suspicious haha)

Sunday, 5 October 2008

About Mathema

A mathematician has found a way to reach chaos and copy the skills of the ages - dreaming that everyone should have the gift of magic.

But the discovery of Mathema forces a secret group of sorcerers into the open, desperate to protect their ancient gift of power by whatever means necessary..